Robertsbridge Neighbourhood Plan

Robertsbridge Neighbourhood Plan

Housing Working Group

The Housing Group's main job is to present proposals on where to build the 155 new homes we have to accommodate. We expect the plan will control where new houses will be built, the types and sizes of the houses and then phasing. The plan covers the period to 2028.


The Housing Working Group

We have agreed we should consider all available sites adjoining the boundary of existing housing in the village - sometimes called the village envelope. We will investigate these sites and list all their pros and cons.


We will hold meetings with the landowners and/or developers and then hold an exhibition for residents to look at possible sites. Some sites may not be achievable because of issues such as flooding or access.


When the questionnaire goes out residents will have the chance to say which sites they prefer and to give views on any aspects which make a site suitable or unsuitable.


The results of this survey will then be the basis for selection of sites for our Neighbourhood Plan, which will then go forward to a referendum.

Contact details


Salehurst & Robertsbridge Parish Council

The Parish Office

Youth Centre

George Hill


TN32 5AP


01580 882066


Karen Ripley (Clerk) or Gill Colquhoun (Asst. Clerk)





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