9 July 2018: PLAN 'MADE' BY ROTHER DISTRICT COUNCIL (approved by unanimous decision)
31 May 2018: residents voted 760 to 81 in favour of adopting the modified Salehurst & Robertsbridge Neighbourhood Plan.
19 April 2018: Referendum (31/5/18) Information Statement published by RDC
18 April 2018: Rother District Council decided to take the SRNDP to Referendum.
23 January 2018: The Examination Report of the Independent Examiner, Mr John Slater was published.
1 November 2017 - 28 November 2017: Period of public consultation on Revised SEA (dated 31/10/17). Comments to the Programme Officer at RDC.
31 October 2017: Revised SEA submitted to the Programme Officer, for 28 days public consultation.
6 October 2017: Post Hearing Notes issued by the Independent Examiner, Mr John Slater, including a period of grace until 30 November offered to the promoters of the Mill Site, to provide him with details of an emergency access for the site which would be accessible in the event of a 1-in-100-year flood event.
In addition, he invited the Parish Council (NPSG) to review the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in particular the relative scoring of alternative sites and justification for site selections in the context of consideration of sustainability factors, as set out in the SEA (invitation accepted by the PC).
28 September 2017: Public Hearing held in Robertsbridge for invited participants, including S&RPC, RDC, EA, landowners/developers to consider eight specific questions posed by the Independent Examiner, Mr John Slater.
23 August 2017: Guidance Notes and Agenda for a Public Hearing on 28 September 2017 were published, including specific questions to be addressed.
14 August 2017: - 'Initial Comments of the Independent Examiner' received, including his conclusion that it is appropriate to hold an oral hearing to consider certain matters.
26 July 2017: Responses to the Independent Examiner's initial questions submitted (by the Parish Council and Rother District Council).
5 July 2017: Initial Questions received from the Independent Examiner to Rother District Council (as the Planning Authority) and the Parish Council (as the NP Qualifying Body).
May 2017: The Salehurst and Robertsbridge Neighbourhood Plan, Strategic Environmental Assessment and accompanying documents, together with all duly-made representations, were submitted by Rother District Council to the appointed Examiner, Mr John Slater, to undertake an independent Examination of the Plan.
10 February to 24 March 2017: Rother District Council six week consultation on the Submission Version of the Plan, in accordance with Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations (2012).
December 2016: Salehurst and Robertsbridge Parish Council submitted the 'Submission' version of the Salehurst and Robertsbridge Neighbourhood Plan to Rother District Council (Regulation 15).
21 November 2016 to 5 December 2016: Trees and Hedgerows Consultation
26 September 2016 to 7 November 2016: Salehurst and Robertsbridge Parish Council carried out the Regulation 14 public consultation on the Draft Neighbourhood Plan.
September 2015: Comprehensive questionnaire, built on evidence and consultations to date, delivered to every household in the parish (online completion also available) by an army of local volunteer 'Street Champions'.
July 2015: Sites information open day for landowners / developers to present potential sites to the public.
April 2015: Salehurst and Robertsbridge Parish was designated by Rother District Council by resolution CB14/80 on the 13th April 2015. The area being that of the Parish Boundary of Salehurst & Robertsbridge.
March - April 2015: Call for Sites process, with adverts placed and landowners contacted to invite landowners / developers to put forward potential sites for development.
February to April 2015: In accordance with the Regulation (6), Rother District Council publicised the area application for a period of 6 weeks and invited representations on the area designation.
February 2015: Salehurst and Robertsbridge Parish Council formally submitted an application to Rother District Council for the designation of a Neighbourhood Plan Area.
January - February 2015: Initial weekly meetings of interested parties, leading to formation of a Steering Group of 17 local people (including four Parish Councillors and two District Councillors) to take the project forward.
January 2015: The Parish Council formally approved doing a Neighbourhood Plan at a Meeting of the Parish Council on Monday 19th January 2015.
January 2015: First public event held to explain the Neighbourhood Plan process and explore interest/ commitment from residents.
December 2014: Full colour Neighbourhood Plan 'special' edition of the Parish Newsletter delivered to every household. Successful application for ten hours free support from a consultant to assist with initial consultations and decision whether to proceed.
August - November 2014: Initial discussions and investigations by Parish Council to explore the possibility of embarking on a NP for S&R.
Salehurst & Robertsbridge Parish Council
The Parish Office
Youth Centre
George Hill
TN32 5AP
01580 882066
Karen Ripley (Clerk) or Gill Colquhoun (Asst. Clerk)