Robertsbridge Neighbourhood Plan

Robertsbridge Neighbourhood Plan

Infrastructure Working Group

The Infrastructure Group is responsible for inputting ideas and analysis to the Neighbourhood Plan process regarding the infrastructure that enables the village to function effectively.


Specifically, we are considering the following areas:


  • Roads / pavements and Rail
  • Drainage
  • Telecoms
  • Gas and Electricity
  • Flood defences



Roads and Rail

The principal issue identified for consideration is the problem with parking and the adverse impact this has on the quality of life for residents and the ability of local businesses and public services to deliver appropriate benefits. We will therefore look at potential solutions in terms of residents' parking schemes, more yellow / white lines, traffic calming, car parking space availability, warden patrols. Another issue is the quality of road and pavements in the village. Station Road is an obvious example of a road that has been allowed to deteriorate to the point where it is dangerous for cyclists.




Effective drainage systems are particularly important in view of our flood plain location. Significant amounts of flooding now occur because of surface run-off due to impermeable surfaces and inadequate drainage. George Hill regularly experiences drainage overflows.




Broadband and mobile telephony are now an essential feature in most people's lives. We are lucky to have superfast broadband being rolled out. We need to identify if all residents are able to access both services reliably in their homes (and not have to stand in the garden in the rain for their phone to work).



Gas and electricity

Modern life cannot exist without electricity while natural gas provides a more economic and environmentally friendlier form of energy for heating than fuel oil. Electricity usage is increasing steadily across the modern world which results in costs for reinforcement of the network and the installation of above ground installations. These can be eyesores and the costs can result in potential business investors going elsewhere.



Flood defences

We are lucky to have robust flood defences. We must, however, ensure that these are adequately maintained and upgraded / extended if required. The Environment Agency has a limited budget. We need to ensure our defences get the priority they deserve if the village is to stay safe.

Contact details


Salehurst & Robertsbridge Parish Council

The Parish Office

Youth Centre

George Hill


TN32 5AP


01580 882066


Karen Ripley (Clerk) or Gill Colquhoun (Asst. Clerk)





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