The 'Salehurst and Robertsbridge Neighbourhood Development Plan 2016 - 2028' was made on 9 July 2018. It now forms part of the Development Plan for Rother District and will be used when determining planning applications within the designated Neighbourhood Area of Salehurst and Robertsbridge Parish.
The Plan, and the Annex of Maps, can be seen here:
Salehurst & Robertsbridge Neighbourhood Development Plan 2016-2028 (Adopted July 2018)
Salehurst & Robertsbridge Neighbourhood Development Plan 2016-2028 Annex 1 Maps (Adopted July 2018)
Below you can see all the previous drafts and background documents produced, used or referred to during the production stages of our Neighbourhood Plan.
The Referendum on the Salehurst & Robertsbridge Neighbourhood Plan was held on 31 May 2018.
The result was a clear 'YES' (to adopt the plan drawn up by our community).
The voting was as follows:
YES: 760
NO: 81
The official results can be seen here
On 18th April 2018 RDC published the Salehurst & Robertsbridge Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Statement. It can be seen here.
On 18 April 2018 Rother District Council decided to take the Salehurst and Robertsbridge Neighbourhood Plan to Referendum. The 'Decision Statement' (Executive Decision) and supporting report can be seen here:
RDC Executive Decision to proceed to Referendum (April 18)
RDC Report in support of Executive Decision (April 18)
Amended as a consequence of the Independent Examiner's Report. April 2018
Schedule of changes to the Salehurst & Robertsbridge Neighbourhood Plan
Schedule of changes to Annex 1 (Maps) of the SRNP
The Report presented by the Chair of the Steering Group can be seen here
The Report by Mr John Slater was published on 23/1/18. It can be seen here:
Report on the Examination of the Salehurst & Robertsbridge Neighbourhood Development Plan
The revised SEA consultation closed on 28 November. All responses received by the Programme Officer have been forwarded to the Independent Examiner, Mr Slater. They can be seen on the Rother District Council website using the link below(they are in the 'Related Documents' section at the bottom of the page).
The section also contains the information submitted by representatives of Hodsons Mill regarding emergency access, and information provided by Rother District Council regarding the Church Mission Room on the Vicarage site.
Responses to the revised SEA Report and other information submitted to the Examiner
On 1st November 2017 a representative of Hodsons Mill sent an email to the Examiner, via the Programme Officer, with regard to the requests in his Post Hearing Note, to which Mr Slater responded on 3rd November. A further related email was sent to the Examiner on 14th November, and a response issued 15th November 2017. These items of correspondence can be viewed below:
Examiner's correspondence with Hodsons Mill 1st to 3rd November 2017
Examiner's correspondence with Hodsons Mill 14th to 15th November 2017
In his Post Hearing Notes (see below), Mr John Slater invited the Parish Council to review the Environmental Report (SEA), in particular the relative scoring of alternative sites, contained within the Environmental Report. The Parish Council accepted this invitation and the revised document was published for consultation (1/11/17-28/11/17), with all comments to be made directly to the Programme Officer, Cheryl Poole at RDC. The revised document can be seen here:
Revised SEA Environmental Report 31 October 2017
Mr Slater has produced his Post Hearing Notes, including details of actions, with deadlines, noted specifically for the Parish Council and for the representatives of Hodson's Mill.
He also refers to an email received following the Hearing from one of the representatives for the Diocese of Chichester (Vicarage Site) regarding the gradient of the proposed access; the Notes and the email can both be viewed below:
Email regarding gradient of Vicarage Site Access
At the Public Hearing on 28/9/17, the Diocese of Chichester circulated a proposed access layout plan, which was published 2/10/17 and can be seen here:
Diocese of Chichester Revised Access Plan - Option 3
Each of the representatives has submitted a Written Statement in advance of the Public Hearing. The statements can be viewed on the Rother District Council website, using the link below:
Submitted Statements of Invited Representatives
Independent Examiner Mr Slater has now produced his Guidance Notes and Agenda for the Public Hearing on 28th September 2017, at the Youth Centre, George Hill, Robertsbridge commencing at 9.30am. The one day Hearing will be open to the public, but only invited representatives will be permitted to take part in discussions. Further details, including the agenda and Examiner's specific questions, can be seen in the following document:
Salehurst & Robertsbridge NDP Guidance Notes and Agenda for Public Hearing 28th September 2017
Mr Slater has produced his 'Initial Comments of the Independent Examiner' which includes his conclusion that it is appropriate to hold an oral hearing to consider certain matters. Further details of the Hearing will follow shortly. It is noted that the Hearing will be open to the public to attend, but only invited representatives will be permitted to take part in discussions.
Initial Comments of the Independent Examiner (Revised Version 14/8/17)
The questions from the Independent Examiner to the Parish Council (as the Qualifying Body) and/or Rother District Council (as the Planning Authority), can be seen here: Initial Questions from the Independent Examiner
The Response and supporting documents from the Parish Council (Steering Group), can be seen here:
Rother District Council's Response and supporting documents can be seen on their website:
Rother District Council Response
7. Suite of evidence base documents as follows (as listed on page 56, section 3.8.2 of the Submission Plan) :
Site presentations and exhibition:
Survey to owners of premises that are rented out (Landlord Survey)
Survey for all business owners in Salehurst & Robertsbridge Parish (Business Owner Survey)
Survey on employment for all residents (Resident Questionnaire Oct.15)
Robertsbridge Enterprise Group Tourism Strategy 2014
S&R Neighbourhood Plan Business Report
Parish wide survey (Resident Questionnaire Oct.15)
National and District Policy Mapping Analysis
Detail and Photographs - Local List of Buildings and Structures (Plan, Schedule 3)
Details and Photographs - Local List of Trees and Hedgerows (Plan, Schedule 4)
The statutory planning context for preparation of a neighbourhood Plan is the Core Strategy, which sets out the broad planning strategy for Rother District up to 2028. The existing RDC evidence base was the starting point for the steering group when gathering information to support our policies. A list of the key documents used, with links, can be seen here.
In our draft Neighbourhood Plan we listed for protection certain trees and hedgerows whose loss would harm the amenity of the area (Policy EN 9 (page 36) / Schedule 4 (page 76).
In the light of comments received during the consultation period (26 September to 7 November 2016), we have reviewed the Schedule 4 list of trees and hedgerows and included the rationale behind the selection process. We have issued consultation letters to owners of the trees and hedgerows affected, seeking their views.
The revised Schedule 4 can be seen here:
Revised Schedule 4 - Local list of trees and hedgerows outside the Conservation Area
This publication has been produced by Locality and the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) specifically to help parish and town councillors support their communities and council in deciding whether or not to produce a neighbourhood plan for their area and/or to guide them through the process of producing the plan and thinking about how it will be delivered.
Salehurst & Robertsbridge Draft Neighbourhood Development Plan (Pre Submission Version)
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
Survey to owners of premises that are rented out (Landlord Survey)
Survey for all business owners in Salehurst & Robertsbridge Parish (Business Owner Survey)
Survey on employment for all residents (Resident Questionnaire Oct.15)
Robertsbridge Enterprise Group Tourism Strategy 2014
S&R Neighbourhood Plan Business Report
Stategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
Parish wide survey (Resident Questionnaire Oct.15)
National and District Policy Mapping Analysis
S & R PC developer contribution survey - 2014
Older people housing needs survey for Robertsbridge June 2011 - RDC
S & R Safer Villages Forum Crime Survey 2003
The statutory planning context for preparation of a neighbourhood Plan is the Core Strategy, which sets out the broad planning strategy for Rother District up to 2028. The existing RDC evidence base was the starting point for the steering group when gathering information to support our policies. A list of the key documents used, with links, can be seen here.
The Powerpoint Presentation showing how parishoners filled out the survey:Parish wide survey (Resident Questionnaire Oct.15)
To view the draft Vision and Objectives, click here.
To view the initial proposal for selected sites, click here.
To view the feedback form from Saturday, click here. You will not be able to complete this online, but it may be helpful as guidance if you want to email your comments to Stephen Hardy on
Click here for a short explanation
To view the map of possible development sites, click here.
To view our communication and engagement strategy, click here.
Feedback from the exhibition on all proposed sites held on 4th July 2015.
Comment received for subject areas to cover, following presentation on 10th January 2015.
Site 1 Slides Farm, Silver Hill
2 Beeden's Land, Northbridge Street
3 Mill Site, Northbridge Street
3a Land to north east of Mill Site
4 Mission Room and Vicarage, Fair Lane
5 Grove Farm 1 and site 6 Grove Farm 2, George Hill
7 Robertsbridge Club, Station Road
8 Country Crafts, George Hill
10 Townfield, rear of Heathfield Gardens (West)
11 Cracknells and Skyfield, rear of Heathfield Gardens (East)
East Sussex in Figures is for information and statistics, including population, economy and much more.
Click here then on the page that opens click on the brown Salehurst & Robertsbridge (underneath the Search Results).
This will take you to the S&R Profile page, then from the drop down box, select the data you want to look at.
RDC's key planning policy document (sort of equivalent to a NP for the whole of Rother - our NP has to be 'in general conformity' with the CS).
Click here then on the page that opens lower down the page, under 'Related documents' click on the first PDF document Adopted Core Strategy.
There are a number of surveys carried out by Central Government, East Sussex County Council and Rother District Council which assist them (and now us) with plan for current and future housing requirements.
The following shows how the population of Rother stands in terms of housing and wealth compared with the rest of the region.
This shows the areas of land which have been assessed by RDC for potential development. Each site on the map is numbered, and has been assessed as green (suitable for development), amber (possibly suitable) or red (not suitable).
The tables on the pages after the map give the written details and assessment of each site. These will form the basis of RDC's proposals and consultation for their Development & Site Allocation Document (DaSA).
Click here then on the page that opens the 2nd PDF (...Tables and Maps..) contains the details for Robertsbridge on pages 81-85.
Our independent adviser Donna Moles chaired all the meetings at which developers put their proposals to the steering group, and has provided feedback for each presentation.
The sites referred to are as follows:
1 - Countrycrafts/market site, George Hill
2 - Beedon's land - track leading to Pound Platt, but not the house, rear of Northbridge Street
3 - Mill site
4 - Grove Farm, George Hill
5 - Robertsbridge Club, Station Road
6 - Bishops Lane
7 - Slides Farm, rear of Northbridge Street
8 - Rear of Heathfield Gardens
Chichester Diocese, the owners of the Vicarage Land in Fair Lane, were unable to be present at the public exhibition but have since provided the same details as the other sites:
Salehurst & Robertsbridge Parish Council
The Parish Office
Youth Centre
George Hill
TN32 5AP
01580 882066
Karen Ripley (Clerk) or Gill Colquhoun (Asst. Clerk)