Robertsbridge Neighbourhood Plan

Robertsbridge Neighbourhood Plan

Uth Voice

Sadly, the Uth Voice Project has now ended. Historic content, for information, can be seen below.



Young people look at the future they would like to see.


Uth voice is more than young people voting on the neighbourhood plan. It is changing decision making in Robertsbridge. It is a space where 11 -18 year olds can express opinions, experiences and feelings.


Meet Ben Jackson lead musician and (new) co-ordinator of Uth Voice


There are 5 ways to speak out and all 4 free.





Visit Uth Voice Youtube Channel . To get involved text or email Hils.




SPEAK OUT WORKSHOP 10th October 2015


For musicians, poets, rappers, performers of words - or anyone with something to say.


Led by professional musician Marina Tiffeny, word artist, Abe Gibson, Ben and Hils.




SPEAK OUT GIG 28th November 2015


An evening of entertainment and participation for YP aged 13-17

with music and performance by professionals and young people who have attended the workshop


To put your dance music on our playlist just email Hils and send name of track. If you are a young person who is younger or older than 13-17 and you know you want to be there just contact Hils.










