Robertsbridge Neighbourhood Plan

Robertsbridge Neighbourhood Plan


REFERENDUM RESULT - the community says yes...
1st Jun 2018

The Referendum on the Salehurst & Robertsbridge Neighbourhood Plan was held on 31 May 2018.



The result was a clear 'YES' (to adopt the plan drawn up by our community).

The voting was as follows:


YES: 760


NO: 81


The official results can be seen here



Having been supported at Referendum, Rother District Council will now proceed through the formal process of 'making' (adopting) the Salehurst and Robertsbridge Neighbourhood Plan. Once 'made' it will form part of the Development Plan for the area.



A report will be presented to the (RDC) Full Council on 9 July. The agenda for the Cabinet meeting can be seen here.